Professor Tony F. Chan, HKUST President on 22 April 2012

In Fond Memory of Professor Edmond Ko “Professor Ko was the Senior Advisor to the Provost, Director of the Center for Engineering Education Innovation, and Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He was also Chairman of the Curriculum Development Council and a member of the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee, Education Commission, the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications and the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Professor Ko was deeply involved in the formulation and implementation of education policies in Hong Kong at all levels. Prior to joining the HKUST, Professor Ko taught and played leadership roles at the Carnegie-Mellon University and the City University of Hong Kong. Professor Ko was a great educator and mentor. He looked at the world clearly and unselfishly; he also contributed in most substantial ways. Many students, staff and faculty members sought his advice on matters big and small, and he was always willing to give. Professor Ko said in numerous occasions that one of his major goals in life was to educate and bring out the best in the younger generation. He showed us the meaning of genuine care and passion for education.”